I photograph and paint so that
I see differently.
If I see differently, I live differently.
Life is fast. Life is chaotic, especially in the middle of the village. You blink and your kids are driving. You blink again and you’re at their wedding.
Like the great American philosopher Ferris Buehler said: “Life is fast. If you don’t stop and look around, you might miss it.”
That’s why I photograph. That’s why I paint. I don’t want to miss it. I don’t want to get to the end of my life having never really lived. I don’t want to be Ivan Ilyich. I don’t want my Peggy Lee Is That All There Is moment. I want the beauty of life. I want the rapture of the ordinary.
If you want to see differently, if you want to enjoy the beauty of the everyday, we might be a good fit.
Whether you buy a print or not, I wish you the best of life and love, today and always, but I’ll love you a little more if you do:}